Nick has solved financial problems for over 150 companies during the past 20 years. His business and financial expertise has kept the city financially strong and is needed during these difficult times.
Meet Nick Tell at these community events
Nick is the only parent running for City Council
Nick is Committed To Helping The Schools
- On Council, implemented a Neighborhood Management Traffic Plan around all schools.
- Approved $ 520,000 emergency payment to schools in May 2008 when state cutbacks threatened class size and safety at schools.
- Developed on-going communications and mutually beneficial partnership with schools.
Nick is a proven Financial Expert
- Nick has served on numerous boards of directors and has fixed over 150 troubled companies over the past 15 years.
- On Council, sesrved on Finance Sub-Committee that kept city financially “sound; with reserves of over $14,000,000 (as of 12/1/2008) and maintained our AAA Credit Rating (One of only four California cities) by all three credit rating agencies.
- Due to the oversight of the Finance Sub-Committee, the City did not lose money on its investments despite freefal in the financial markets.
- Proposed comprehensive review of all expenses to develop zero based budget that reduces expenses in low-priority areas to shift resources to highest priorities including:
Senior Programs and Facilities
Nick is a Proven Policy Maker with Experience You Can Count On
Nick will ensure that our city is well managed, and that we have the resources to fund our highest priorties. during difficult economic times, we will have to cut expenses to fund our highest priorities. Experience counts. Nick's consensus building approach with city staff and Council has been effective in implementing many of the changes he promised as a candidate four years ago. We cannot go backwards on many of these changes. His leadership on Council will be even more important for the next four years.
Financial Expert . . Not professional politician.
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Nick Tell.